Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Looking Ahead

A few races that I am looking forward to running this fall:

Lake Spivey 15K (10/02)
$25 by 09/18
5K option
-- I did this last year through some beautiful neighborhoods. Support your local community!

Atlanta Thanksgiving Half-Marathon (11/25)
$55 by 10/31
5K option
-- This was my first half-marathon last year -- sticking with tradition.

Join me for a run?

Halfway there...

... both in miles and money!

This blog post is overdue by about two weeks. On Saturday (Sept. 4th) I made it to the 13 mile mark in my long run. Now to double that!

I also have passed the halfway point in raising money- almost at $1,600. Thanks to Sanjiv (my cousin in Seattle) and Sunil (my dad's college friend). You guys rock!

If you still haven't donated, now's the time!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

65 days and counting!

Quick note on my earlier post about P90X- I had the blog address wrong. It's now corrected as

So today we got our New York ferry assignments- Staten Island Ferry at 7:15 a.m. They ferry you to the start of the race so they can have the course going through all five NY City burroughs. The countdown clock said 65 days till race day! The pre-race nerves kicked in :-/

Also, we bought our plane tickets. Anyone up for a Sunday evening NY night out? Everything's falling into place... everything except my non-existent long runs... talk to me after Friday, maybe that will change.

Last night did the bike so I could give my legs a rest. Tonight we're back on the run!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Just wanted to give a shout out to some of my recent donors! A big thanks to my parents' friends - Shailender, Hasan, and Kamla. Also want to thank all my friends that came out to the Sparkle fundraiser Friday night. We raised $200.00! Another step closer to the big finale. I will post pictures of that night soon.

In the meantime, running is picking up again. 3 miles on Monday and 5 miles w/ intervals on Tuesday. The weather is about to start cooling down, which means it's time to hit the trails/ streets.

Also wanted to tell anyone interested in P90X, my colleague at work has been blogging about her fitness journey: I will always support someone's jump into a healthier lifestyle!